function submitWithConfiguration(conf) addpath('./lib/jsonlab'); parts = parts(conf); fprintf('== Submitting solutions | %s...\n', conf.itemName); tokenFile = 'token.mat'; if exist(tokenFile, 'file') load(tokenFile); [email token] = promptToken(email, token, tokenFile); else [email token] = promptToken('', '', tokenFile); end if isempty(token) fprintf('!! Submission Cancelled\n'); return end try response = submitParts(conf, email, token, parts); catch e = lasterror(); fprintf('\n!! Submission failed: %s\n', e.message); fprintf('\n\nFunction: %s\nFileName: %s\nLineNumber: %d\n', ... e.stack(1,1).name, e.stack(1,1).file, e.stack(1,1).line); fprintf('\nPlease correct your code and resubmit.\n'); return end if isfield(response, 'errorMessage') fprintf('!! Submission failed: %s\n', response.errorMessage); elseif isfield(response, 'errorCode') fprintf('!! Submission failed: %s\n', response.message); else showFeedback(parts, response); save(tokenFile, 'email', 'token'); end end function [email token] = promptToken(email, existingToken, tokenFile) if (~isempty(email) && ~isempty(existingToken)) prompt = sprintf( ... 'Use token from last successful submission (%s)? (Y/n): ', ... email); reenter = input(prompt, 's'); if (isempty(reenter) || reenter(1) == 'Y' || reenter(1) == 'y') token = existingToken; return; else delete(tokenFile); end end email = input('Login (email address): ', 's'); token = input('Token: ', 's'); end function isValid = isValidPartOptionIndex(partOptions, i) isValid = (~isempty(i)) && (1 <= i) && (i <= numel(partOptions)); end function response = submitParts(conf, email, token, parts) body = makePostBody(conf, email, token, parts); submissionUrl = submissionUrl(); responseBody = getResponse(submissionUrl, body); jsonResponse = validateResponse(responseBody); response = loadjson(jsonResponse); end function body = makePostBody(conf, email, token, parts) bodyStruct.assignmentSlug = conf.assignmentSlug; bodyStruct.submitterEmail = email; bodyStruct.secret = token; = makePartsStruct(conf, parts); opt.Compact = 1; body = savejson('', bodyStruct, opt); end function partsStruct = makePartsStruct(conf, parts) for part = parts partId = part{:}.id; fieldName = makeValidFieldName(partId); outputStruct.output = conf.output(partId); partsStruct.(fieldName) = outputStruct; end end function [parts] = parts(conf) parts = {}; for partArray = conf.partArrays = partArray{:}{1}; part.sourceFiles = partArray{:}{2}; = partArray{:}{3}; parts{end + 1} = part; end end function showFeedback(parts, response) fprintf('== \n'); fprintf('== %43s | %9s | %-s\n', 'Part Name', 'Score', 'Feedback'); fprintf('== %43s | %9s | %-s\n', '---------', '-----', '--------'); for part = parts score = ''; partFeedback = ''; partFeedback = response.partFeedbacks.(makeValidFieldName(part{:}.id)); partEvaluation = response.partEvaluations.(makeValidFieldName(part{:}.id)); score = sprintf('%d / %3d', partEvaluation.score, partEvaluation.maxScore); fprintf('== %43s | %9s | %-s\n', part{:}.name, score, partFeedback); end evaluation = response.evaluation; totalScore = sprintf('%d / %d', evaluation.score, evaluation.maxScore); fprintf('== --------------------------------\n'); fprintf('== %43s | %9s | %-s\n', '', totalScore, ''); fprintf('== \n'); end % use urlread or curl to send submit results to the grader and get a response function response = getResponse(url, body) % try using urlread() and a secure connection params = {'jsonBody', body}; [response, success] = urlread(url, 'post', params); if (success == 0) % urlread didn't work, try curl & the peer certificate patch if ispc % testing note: use 'jsonBody =' for a test case json_command = sprintf('echo jsonBody=%s | curl -k -X POST -d @- %s', body, url); else % it's linux/OS X, so use the other form json_command = sprintf('echo ''jsonBody=%s'' | curl -k -X POST -d @- %s', body, url); end % get the response body for the peer certificate patch method [code, response] = system(json_command); % test the success code if (code ~= 0) fprintf('[error] submission with curl() was not successful\n'); end end end % validate the grader's response function response = validateResponse(resp) % test if the response is json or an HTML page isJson = length(resp) > 0 && resp(1) == '{'; isHtml = findstr(lower(resp), ']+>', ' '); strippedResponse = regexprep(strippedResponse, '[\t ]+', ' '); fprintf(strippedResponse); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Service configuration % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function submissionUrl = submissionUrl() submissionUrl = ''; end