emailFeatures.m 2.1 KB

  1. function x = emailFeatures(word_indices)
  2. %EMAILFEATURES takes in a word_indices vector and produces a feature vector
  3. %from the word indices
  4. % x = EMAILFEATURES(word_indices) takes in a word_indices vector and
  5. % produces a feature vector from the word indices.
  6. % Total number of words in the dictionary
  7. n = 1899;
  8. % You need to return the following variables correctly.
  9. x = zeros(n, 1);
  10. for i = 1:length(word_indices)
  11. x(word_indices(i)) = 1;
  12. end
  13. % ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
  14. % Instructions: Fill in this function to return a feature vector for the
  15. % given email (word_indices). To help make it easier to
  16. % process the emails, we have have already pre-processed each
  17. % email and converted each word in the email into an index in
  18. % a fixed dictionary (of 1899 words). The variable
  19. % word_indices contains the list of indices of the words
  20. % which occur in one email.
  21. %
  22. % Concretely, if an email has the text:
  23. %
  24. % The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
  25. %
  26. % Then, the word_indices vector for this text might look
  27. % like:
  28. %
  29. % 60 100 33 44 10 53 60 58 5
  30. %
  31. % where, we have mapped each word onto a number, for example:
  32. %
  33. % the -- 60
  34. % quick -- 100
  35. % ...
  36. %
  37. % (note: the above numbers are just an example and are not the
  38. % actual mappings).
  39. %
  40. % Your task is take one such word_indices vector and construct
  41. % a binary feature vector that indicates whether a particular
  42. % word occurs in the email. That is, x(i) = 1 when word i
  43. % is present in the email. Concretely, if the word 'the' (say,
  44. % index 60) appears in the email, then x(60) = 1. The feature
  45. % vector should look like:
  46. %
  47. % x = [ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 1 ... 0 0 0 1 0 ..];
  48. %
  49. %
  50. % =========================================================================
  51. end