spamSample1.txt 655 B

  1. Do You Want To Make $1000 Or More Per Week?
  2. If you are a motivated and qualified individual - I
  3. will personally demonstrate to you a system that will
  4. make you $1,000 per week or more! This is NOT mlm.
  5. Call our 24 hour pre-recorded number to get the
  6. details.
  7. 000-456-789
  8. I need people who want to make serious money. Make
  9. the call and get the facts.
  10. Invest 2 minutes in yourself now!
  11. 000-456-789
  12. Looking forward to your call and I will introduce you
  13. to people like yourself who
  14. are currently making $10,000 plus per week!
  15. 000-456-789
  16. 3484lJGv6-241lEaN9080lRmS6-271WxHo7524qiyT5-438rjUv5615hQcf0-662eiDB9057dMtVl72