AUTHORS.txt 1.6 KB

  1. The author of "jsonlab" toolbox is Qianqian Fang. Qianqian
  2. is currently an Assistant Professor at Massachusetts General Hospital,
  3. Harvard Medical School.
  4. Address: Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
  5. Massachusetts General Hospital,
  6. Harvard Medical School
  7. Bldg 149, 13th St, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA
  8. URL:
  9. Email: <fangq at> or <fangqq at>
  10. The script loadjson.m was built upon previous works by
  11. - Nedialko Krouchev:
  12. date: 2009/11/02
  13. - François Glineur:
  14. date: 2009/03/22
  15. - Joel Feenstra:
  16. date: 2008/07/03
  17. This toolbox contains patches submitted by the following contributors:
  18. - Blake Johnson <bjohnso at>
  19. part of revision 341
  20. - Niclas Borlin <Niclas.Borlin at>
  21. various fixes in revision 394, including
  22. - loadjson crashes for all-zero sparse matrix.
  23. - loadjson crashes for empty sparse matrix.
  24. - Non-zero size of 0-by-N and N-by-0 empty matrices is lost after savejson/loadjson.
  25. - loadjson crashes for sparse real column vector.
  26. - loadjson crashes for sparse complex column vector.
  27. - Data is corrupted by savejson for sparse real row vector.
  28. - savejson crashes for sparse complex row vector.
  29. - Yul Kang <yul.kang.on at>
  30. patches for svn revision 415.
  31. - savejson saves an empty cell array as [] instead of null
  32. - loadjson differentiates an empty struct from an empty array