Jelajahi Sumber

Initial checkin

Andrew Phillips 7 tahun lalu
4 mengubah file dengan 160 tambahan dan 0 penghapusan
  1. 38 0
  2. 73 0
  3. 23 0
  4. 26 0

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+FROM alpine:3.5.2
+# Setup demo environment variables
+ENV HOME=/root \
+	DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
+	LANG=en_US.UTF-8 \
+	LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 \
+	DISPLAY=:0.0 \
+# Install git, supervisor, VNC, & X11 packages
+RUN apk --update --upgrade add \
+	bash \
+	fluxbox \
+	git \
+	socat \
+	supervisor \
+	x11vnc \
+	xterm \
+	xvfb
+# Clone noVNC from github
+RUN git clone /root/noVNC \
+	&& git clone /root/noVNC/utils/websockify \
+	&& rm -rf /root/noVNC/.git \
+	&& rm -rf /root/noVNC/utils/websockify/.git \
+	&& apk del git
+COPY supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf
+# Modify the launch script 'ps -p'
+RUN sed -i -- "s/ps -p/ps -o pid | grep/g" /root/noVNC/utils/
+EXPOSE 8080
+CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord", "-c", "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf"]

+ 73 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+This is based on @psharkey's work:
+[![](]( 'Get your own badge on')
+# Alpine X11 Display Container
+This image is intended to be used for displaying X11 applications from other containers in a browser. A stand-alone demo as well as a [Version 2]( composition. Thanks to [Alpine](, this image is < 100Mb and eliminates the need to run an X11 server on your host machine.
+## Image Contents
+* [Xvfb]( - X11 in a virtual framebuffer
+* [x11vnc]( - A VNC server that scrapes the above X11 server
+* [noNVC]( - A HTML5 canvas vnc viewer
+* [Fluxbox]( - a small window manager
+* [socat]( - for use with other containers
+* [xterm]( - to demo that it works
+* [supervisord]( - to keep it all running
+## Usage
+### Stand-alone Demo
+*On Windows and OS X Only -*
+Determine the Docker machine IP address:
+$ docker-machine ip $(docker-machine active)
+$ docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 psharkey/novnc
+Open a browser and hit the *Connect* button to see the `xterm` demo at `http://<DOCKER_MACHINE_IP>:8080/vnc.html`
+### V2 Composition
+A version of the [V2 docker-compose example]( is shown below to illustrate how this image can be used to greatly simplify the use of X11 applications in other containers. With just `docker-compose up -d`, your favorite IDE can be accessed via a browser.
+Some notable features:
+* An `x11` network is defined to link the IDE and novnc containers
+* The IDE `DISPLAY` environment variable is set using the novnc container name
+* The screen size is adjustable to suit your preferences via environment variables
+* The only exposed port is for HTTP browser connections
+version: '2'
+  ide:
+    image: psharkey/intellij:latest
+#    image: psharkey/netbeans-8.1:latest
+    environment:
+      - DISPLAY=novnc:0.0
+    depends_on:
+      - novnc
+    networks:
+      - x11
+  novnc:  
+    image: psharkey/novnc:latest
+    environment:
+      # Adjust to your screen size
+      - DISPLAY_WIDTH=1600
+      - DISPLAY_HEIGHT=968
+    ports:
+      - "8080:8080"
+    networks:
+      - x11
+  x11:
+**If the IDE fails to start simply run `docker-compose restart <container-name>`.** 
+## On DockerHub / GitHub
+* DockerHub [psharkey/novnc](
+* GitHub [psharkey/docker/novnc](
+# Thanks
+Based on [wine-x11-novnc-docker]( and [octave-x11-novnc-docker](

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+version: '2'
+  ide:
+    image: psharkey/intellij:latest
+#    image: psharkey/netbeans-8.1:latest
+    environment:
+      - DISPLAY=novnc:0.0
+    depends_on:
+      - novnc
+    networks:
+      - x11
+  novnc:  
+    image: psharkey/novnc:latest
+    environment:
+      # Adjust to your screen size
+      - DISPLAY_WIDTH=1600
+      - DISPLAY_HEIGHT=968
+    ports:
+      - "8080:8080"
+    networks:
+      - x11
+  x11:

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+command=Xvfb :0 -screen 0 "%(ENV_DISPLAY_WIDTH)s"x"%(ENV_DISPLAY_HEIGHT)s"x24
+command=/root/noVNC/utils/ --vnc localhost:5900 --listen 8080
+command=socat tcp-listen:6000,reuseaddr,fork unix:/tmp/.X11-unix/X0